My dear students
You are all standing on the threshold for selecting your career and joining a new Institution of Higher Learning. Please keep SILB in your priority list. I, Saroj Khosla, the founder and chairperson of SILB has a dream to make it a beautiful garden where birds come and freely sing songs of happiness and success. The institute, since its establishment in 2004, has been proving it. Every year the students are decorated with gold medals and merit positions in the Himachal Pradesh University Shimla. The institute strongly believes in the philosophy of the great educationist Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high”. The highly dedicated teachers give their best to the students and the students learn the best practices which helps them to become the virtuous human being of the nation. Now during Covid 19 crisis SILB is the only Institute of HPU to impart virtual classroom online teaching very effectively (please see video). It will be my pleasure and privilege to welcome you. Join and enjoy the best of everything in SILB
- Get placements in colleges, universities, industry and banks. A number of students selected for higher education in prestigious institutions in India and abroad
- Some are entrepreneurs and running businesses successfully.
Saroj Khosla
Chairperson, SILB