Enquiry for Admission 2024

Admissions 2024

For admission applicants only

Dr Mamta Singh Pathania-Ph.D, PU Chandigarh MSc. (Hons), BSc. (Hons) , PU Chandigarh.
Head of Department & Associate Professor

Area of specialisation:

Specializes in Phytoremediation and Phytomining studies in cryptogams (Bryophytes) under heavy metal stress conditions and their use for monitoring of regional and local patterns of deposition.

Dr. Pathania has 12 years of teaching experience. She has been teaching Bryology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Immunology and Plant physiology to PG classes. She is a life member of Bryological Association and Him Science Congress Association.


  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021. Preliminary study on few dye yielding plants of District Solan. International Journal of Progressive Research in Science and Engineering.  (2) 764-771
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Sankhyan Poonam, Sharma Jyotika, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra .2021 Antomicrobial activity of Ficus religiosa against some pathogenic microorganisms. 2021 (2) 759-763.
  • Pathania Singh Dhirendra, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Mamta 2021. Microbial study of water samples collected from different Districts of Himachal Pradesh. 2021 (2) 772-776.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021.Some Medicinal herbs and Shrubs of District Solan (HP) 2021. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology. 2021(9) 248-253.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Kaur Harpreet, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021. Study on some traditionally important local plants species of Una District (Himachal Pradesh). 2021. International journal of advances in Engineering and Management. 2021 (3) 564-570.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Singh Hitender, Guleria Pushpa, Sapna, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021.  Preliminary Quantification of Phytochemical in Methanolic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis using HPTLC 2021. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.2021, 70.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Kumar S.S. Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021. Phytoremediation behaviour of some mosses in polluted sited around Chandigarh (UT). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.2021,70.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021. Study of microbial contamination in local fruits and vegetables samples of Solan, Himachal Pradesh.2021. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research.2021, 71.
  • Dhiman Sheetal, Dhiman Bandana and Pathania Singh Mamta.2021. Preliminary Quantification of Phytochemicals in Methanolic extract of Roylea cinerea (D.Don) Baillon by using HPTLC technique.2021, 10 (1), 1569-1574.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Sharma Priyanka , Negi Diksha, Jamwal Maneesha, Pathania Singh Dhirendra, Bhardwaj Payal, 2019. HPTLC Microscopic study of Lantana camara  Scholar Journal of Applied Medical Sciences.2019. 7(5), 1682-1689.
  •  Pathania Singh Mamta, Rao Anju, Kapila Sunita, Pathania Singh Dhirendra, Bhardwaj Payal, Kumar S.S. 2019. Distribution and pH relationship studies in some mosses growing in polluted sites.2019. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research.2019. 7(1) 1-4.
  • Pathania Singh Mamta, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Dhirendra 2021. Study on some widely growing Ethnobotanical plants of Solan District (Himachal Pradesh) 2021. International Journal of Progressive Research in Science and Engineering. 2021(2) 67-74.
  • Pathania Singh Dhirendra, Negi Susheela, Bhardwaj Payal, Pathania Singh Mamta.2021. Study on some Medico-Religious plants of Kinnaur. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology. 2021 (9) 673-678.


Dr. Kranti Thakur-PhD
Assistant Professor (on special Leave)

(Floristic analysis & Phytosociology)

Research Papers Published: 22

  • K. Thakur, J. Verma, P. Gupta, J. Aman, A. C Vanhaeften, A. Takuli, P. S. Sawardekar and A. Verma. 2024. Quantitative Ethnobotanical Investigation on Plant Resources in High Altitudinal Regions of Kinnaur, North Western Himalayas.” Medicinal plants. Medicinal Plants International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries. 16(2): 191-204. (Accepted)
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, J. K. Sembi, Kusum, and P. Pathak. 2023. Lesser known orchids of Himachal Pradesh (Northwest Himalyas): III Genus Hemipilia Lind. Journal of Orchid Society of India. 37: 131-133
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, J. K. Sembi, Kusum, P. Pathak. 2021. On the Occurrence of a leafless Cymbidium in Western Himalayas. . Journal of Orchid Society of India. 35, ISSN09715371
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, Kusum, J. K. Sembi and P. Pathak (2018). Leaf micromorphology of some Habenaria Willd. Sensu lato (Orchidaceae) species from Western Himalaya. Journal of Orchid Society of India. 31:85-91. ISSN09715371
  • Thakur K. and S. Puri. 2016. Ethnobotanical Plants of Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. International journal of Advanced Research. 4(6): 106-108.
  • Thakur K., S. Puri. and J. Verma (2016). Assessment of species diversity along different altitudinal gradients in Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies. 3(7): 56-59.
  • Bhardwaj, A., R. K. Verma, J. C. Rana, K. Thakur, and J. Verma. 2014. Orchid diversity at Chail Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himalaya. Journal of The Orchid Society of India, 28 (1-2): 67-74. ISSN 0971 5371.
  • Sharma S., S. Puri, A. Jamwal, S. Bhattacharya, N. Dhindsa and K. Thakur. 2014. Effect of Salt Stress on Seedling growth and Survival of Oenothera biennisL. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences. 3(9): 70-74.
  • Verma, J., Kusum, K. Thakur and S. P. Vij. 2014. Lesser known orchids of Himachal Pradesh: I – Genus Zeuxine Lindley. Pleione 8 (1): 1-8. ISSN 0973-9467.
  • Verma, J., K. Sharma, K. Thakur, J. K. Sembi and S. P. Vij. 2014. Study on seed morphometry of some threatened Western Himalayan orchids. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38: 234-251. ISSN 1300-008X.
  • Kusum, K. Thakur and J. Verma 2013. Study on distribution, habitat characteristics and seed morphometry of a medicinal orchid, Eulophia herbacea Lindl. in Himachal Pradesh. Vegetos, 26 (2): 121-126. ISSN 0970 4078.
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur and S. P. Vij. 2013. On the occurrence of an interesting leafless orchid Neottia listeroides Lindl. in Himachal Pradesh, Northwestern Himalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5(11): 4601–4603. ISSN 0974-7893.
  • Verma, J., Kusum, K. Thakur, J. K. Sembi and S. P. Vij. 2012. Studies on seed morphometry of seven Himalayan orchids exhibiting varied life modes. Acta Botanica Gallica. 159 (4): 443-449. ISSN 1253-8078.
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, J. K. Sembi, L. K. Attri, R. Kant and S. P. Vij. 2012. Pollination in Cymbidium pendulum (Roxb.) Sw. (Orchidaceae). Vegetos, 25 (2): 298-302. ISSN 0970 4078.
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, and Kusum. 2012. Ethnobotanically important plants of Mandi and Solan districts of Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himalaya. Plant Archives, 12 (1): 185-190. ISSN 0972 5210.
  • Kant, R., J. Verma, and K. Thakur. 2012. Distribution pattern, survival threats and conservation of ‘Astavarga’ orchids in Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himalaya. Plant Archives, 12 (1): 165-168. ISSN 0972-5210.
  • Thakur, K., V. K. Santvan, and J. Verma. 2012. Floristic composition and life form spectrum of Bandli Wild Life Sanctuary, District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Plant Archives, 12 (1): 57-62. ISSN 0972-5210.
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, V. K. Santvan, and S. P. Vij. 2011. Orchids of Bandli Wild Life Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himalaya. Journal of The Orchid Society of India, 25 (1, 2): 29-32. ISSN 0971 5371.
  • Vij, S. P., J. Verma, and K. Thakur. 2011. Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartman and Vanda cristata Lindl. (Orchidaceae): Two new records for Himachal Pradesh. Phytomorphology, 61 (1, 2): 25-27. ISSN 0031 9449
  • Verma, J., K. Thakur, V. K. Santvan, and S. P. Vij. 2011. Notes on three ethnobotanically important orchids from Kullu and Mandi districts of Himachal Pradesh, NW Himalaya. MIOS Journal, 12 (7): 12-16. ISSN 1934 4880.
  • Verma, J., P. Jaglan, K. Thakur, K. Sharma, L. K. Attri, and S. P. Vij. 2010. Habenaria aitchisonii Reichb. f. and H. pubescens Lindl. (Orchidaceae): New additions to flora of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of The Orchid Society of India, 24 (1, 2): 53-56. ISSN 0971 5371.
  • Verma, J., J. K. Sembi, K. Thakur, P. Pathak, and S. P. Vij. 2009. Epiphytic orchids of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of The Orchid Society of India, 23 (1, 2): 49-61. ISSN 0971 5371.
  • Kanchan, J. Verma, S. K. Bhatti, K. Thakur, Kusum, A. Sagar and J. K. Sembi (2021). Orchids and mycorrhizal endophytes: A hand in glove relationship. In: Endophyte Biology: Recent Findings from Kashmir Himalayas. Z. A. Wani (eds.). AAP, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.


  • Ghai, J. Verma, A. Kaur, K. Thakur, S.V. Pawar and J. S. Sembi (2021). Bioprospection of Orchids and Appraisal of their Therapeutic Indication. In: Bio-prospecting of plant biodiversity for industrial molecules. S. K. Upadhyay and S. P. Singh (eds.) ISBN-9781119717218. John Wiley &Sons, Inc.


  • K. Thakur. 2021. Ethnoveterinary Plants of Solan District, Himachal Pradesh. Presented  in International e-Conference on Progress of Science and Technology    During Pandemic (PSTDP-2021) HSCA. September 11-12.
  • K. Thakur. 2021. Quantitative Study of Enthnobotanical plants of Kinnour, Northwest Himalaya, during pandemic. Presented in International web conference on Covid -19 the secound wave: Challenges for sustanable development (CCSD-2021) organised by ABRF and GESA, Sept. 13, 14 and 15, 2021.
  • K. Thakur. 2020. Effect of Covid-19 on Hilly Climate. Presented in 2nd annual meet of GESA and 2nd web International conference on Environment and Society (ICES 2020). Theme: Socio- economic and Environmental Issue: Challenges and Future Prospect in Current Pandemic Situation. Dec. 26, 27 and 28, 2020.
  • K. Thakur. 2018. Phenological study on Bandli Wildlife Santuary, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Presented in International conference on ‘Science: Emerging Scenario and Future Challenges’(SESFC-2018) HSCA at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. Sep. 08-09, 2018.
  • K. Thakur. 2017. Ethnobotanical plants at Bandli Wildlife Santuary, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Presented in International conference on ‘Science: Emerging Scenario and Future Challenges’(SESFC 2017) HSCA at Atal Bihari Vajpayee institute of Mountaineering and Allied Sports, Manali, Himachal Pradesh.. July 01-02, 2017.
  • K. Thakur. 2016. Assessment of species diversity at different altitudinal levels at Bandli Wildlife Santuary, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Presented in International conference on ‘Science: Emerging Scenario and Future Challenges’ HSCA at Dharmshala. June 11-12, 2016.
  • K. Thakur. 2015. Species diversity at different altitudinal levels in Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary. Presented in  3rd Annual National Conference on Science: Emerging Scenario and Future challenges. HSCA, at Vallabh Goverment College, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Apl. 11-12, 2015.
  • Kusum, K. Thakur, and Jagdeep Verma. 2013. Study on population structure and habitat characteristics of Goodyera biflora (Lindl.) Hook. f.: a threatened jewel orchid. In: Abstract Book of 1st Annual National Conference on Science: Emerging Scenario and Future challenges. HSCA, Solan. pp. 53.
  • Thakur, K., Jagdeep Verma, and V. K. Santwan. 2011. Orchids of Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh. In: Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book of National Conference on Orchids in India: Diversity, Characterization and Community Livelihood. NASI, Allahabad. pp. 94.
  • Verma, Jagdeep, K. Thakur, and R. Kant. 2011. Seed morphometry in orchid systematics. In: Abstract Book of One week National workshop cum Seminar on Advances in Electron Microscopy and allied fields. Shoolini University, Solan. pp. 33.
  • Verma, Jagdeep, K. Thakur, and V. K. Santvan. 2011. Orchids of Bandli Wild Life Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh, Northwest Himalayas. In: Souvenir-cum-Abstract Book of National Conference on Medicinal Orchids: Sustainable use and benefit sharing for rural and tribal communities. Panjab University, Chandigarh. pp. 41.


  • National Seminar on Advances in Environmental Sciences. Him Science Congress Association, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. Aug. 24, 2012
  • National Conference on Orchids in India: Diversity, Characterization and Community Livelihood. NASI, Allahabad. Dec. 21-23, 2011.
  • National workshop cum Seminar on Advances in Electron Microscopy and allied fields. Shoolini University, Solan. Sep. 23-29, 2011.
  • National Conference on Orchid Systematics and Diversity analysis for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, GBPIHED, Almora, Mar. 19-21, 2010.

Dr Arti Kumari, PhD
Assistant Professor

(Microbiology & Plant Pathology)


  • Thakur A, Singh S, Puri S. Exploration of wild edible plants used as food by Gaddis-A tribal community of the Western Himalaya. The Scientific World Journal. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6280153
  • Thakur A, Singh S, Puri S. Nutritional evaluation, Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antibacterial activity of Stellaria monosperma-Ham. Ex D. Don and Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke: wild edible plants of Western Himalayas. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021; 14(1):83-90.
  • Thakur A, Singh S, Puri S. Nutritional evaluation, phytochemicals, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of Gerardiana diversifolia and Bauhinia variegata Linn. Wild edible plants of Western Himalayas. Plant Archives. 2020; 20(2):8155-8162.
  • Singh S, Thakur A, Puri S. Effect of mannitol on Lepidium sativum Under abiotic stress (water stress) condition. Plant Archives. 2020; 20(2):8500-8510.
  • Singh S, Thakur A, Puri S. Impact of proline, glycine betaine and mannitol application on Lepidium sativum Plants grown under abiotic stress conditions (water stress). Plant Archives. 2020; 20(2):8671-8689.
  • Dulta K, Thakur K, Virk AK, Thakur A, Chauhan P, Kumar V, Chauhan PK. Comparison of different solvents for Antioxidant and Antibiogram Pattern of Bergenia ciliata rhizome Extract from Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021; 14(1):23-29.
  • Singh  S, Kiran V, Gupta S, Ratwan P, Devi V, Thakur A, Puri S. Application of proline and mannitol on Lepidium sativum Under abiotic stress condition (heavy metal stress). Plant Archives. 2020; 20(2):6877-6884.
  • Singh S, Kiran V, Gupta S, Ratwan P, Devi V, Thakur A, Puri S. Effect of proline and mannitol on antioxidant, secondary metabolite, biochemical analysis of Lepidium sativum Under abiotic stress condition (heavy metal stress). Plant Archives. 2020; 20(2):8561-8575.
  • Dulta K, Koşarsoy Ağçeli G, Thakur A, Singh S, Chauhan P, Chauhan PK. Development of alginate-chitosan based coating enriched with ZnO nanoparticles for increasing the shelf life of orange fruits (Citrus sinensis). Journal of Polymers and the Environment. 2022; 30(8):3293-3306.
  • Thakur A, Singh S, Dulta K, Singh N, Ali B, Hafeez A, Vodnar DC, Marc RA. Nutritional evaluation, phytochemical makeup, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of wild plants utilized as food by the Gaddis-a tribal tribe in the Western Himalayas. Frontiers in Agronomy. 2022.
  • Dulta K, Thakur A, Kumar K, Singh S, Ağçeli GK, Singh D. Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill. In Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas 2023 (pp. 171-187). CRC Press.


Assistant Professor

Pursuing Ph. D. ,M.Phil Botany (Studies on the Ethnic Plants in cure of Kidney Ailments) from H.P.University, SET & TET qualified, Research and Teaching Experience of 3 years.


Admissions 2024

For admission applicants only