Well Furnished Hostels

Rooftop Playing Facility
Hostel accommodation will be allotted only on production of ID card and hostel fee receipt. As far as possible, wardens try to accommodate candidates with the roommate of the same batch. However it may not be possible to do so in all cases at the time of admission. Also certain rooms types are in greater demand senior students have priority in the allotment of rooms Provision of hostel accommodation to the admitted students is subject to availability of rooms and allotment will be made on first come first serve basis. In case of non-availability accommodation in SILB’s hostel, candidates must make their own alternate arrangements.
Hostel Fee charges and other dues (INR)
Security (Refundable) : 5000/-
Annual charges (Mess charges, room rent, electricity, water, common room etc.) : 74,000/
Special Information for parents
- It is the duty to the parents/guardians to see that their ward maintains a high standard of diligence and good conduct.
- It is presumed that the parents/guardians who send their wards to the institute for education accept all the rules and regulations laid down by institute from time to time.
- Parents should understand that in case their ward is found engaged in ragging directly or indirectly, he/she will be liable for punishment as per anti-ragging law.
- The institute will periodically furnish necessary information about the student undergoing a course in the institute.